POISONED 4; Reconciliation and normalcy

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Absalom had fled to Geshur where he remained for three (3) years. Joab, David’s friend realized the king still cares for Absalom. So he devised a plan to make David send for his son to return to Jerusalem. The plan worked so David sent for his son. When Absalom returned, he remained in his town. He didn’t go to his father’s palace.

The Man Absalom

2 Samuel 14:25-26 gives a brief description of how handsome and honourable Absalom’s looks were. He had no flaw in beauty from head to toe. He had a lot of hair to the extent that his hair alone weighed 200 shekels (that’s 2.28kg equivalent) when he cuts it. Incredible! However, here we have a handsome but bitter Prince who has unleashed evil and is ready to unleash more.

You see, bitterness is no respecter of persons. The rich and handsome can be bitter, so as the otherwise. You will be bitter if you allow anger and offences to consume your joy and happiness.

The King’s Audience

When David sent for Absalom from Geshur, he requested not to see him. Perhaps he still had traces of the pain from Amnon’s death. However, Absalom also never bothered to try and see or speak to his father until after two years. After all, he was not happy with his father.

He sent for Joab on two occasions but Joab never showed up. He wanted him to speak to the king to grant him (Absalom) an audience. When Joab was not showing up, he sent his servants to set fire to his farm. I think this was an extreme method.

Why does Absalom suddenly need to see the king so badly after a whole two (2) years? It’s probably part of another scheme to strike again from his bitter soul.

Bitter people will go any length and breadth to see those they are bitter against suffer! That’s how the devil wires their hearts. They begin to think and live for revenge, always hoping that the other person is hurt. If you have such hopes because of what someone has done to you, you are like Absalom – a bitter person.

The normalcy

The King finally sent Absalom to meet him. When Absalom went, “he came to the king and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the king. Then the king kissed Absalom” – 2 Samuel 14:33b. I expected that he would pass a comment or make a gesture that will let the king know how angry he was with him for not penalizing Amnon for raping Tamar.

That could have initiated a conversation that would lead to forgiveness and healing. He did none of those. He rather bowed and had his father kiss him – the one he was bitter against.

It’s usually difficult to identify bitter people who are on a mission to seek revenge. You may not identify the person who is bitter against you. They do not write it on their foreheads, nor will they tell you. They are usually normal behaving people who act like friends and family.

That is the posture Absalom took when he went to see his father.
I suspect that seeing his father after two years is part of a bigger scheme to seek revenge. This gets interesting; let’s see his next line of action.

May the Lord mend our nets!

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