Bridges: Those who have helped you must not be forgotten

Known as a structure that creates a pathway, bridges are one of the most important things ever invented. We’d never be able to have access to things (on time) beyond obstacles if not for bridges. In like manner, there are people in our lives who serve as bridges. But for them, we wouldn’t have had certain opportunities. You can call them
gift of men.

Salvation Bridge

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me - John 14:6.

Jesus is depicted here as the One standing between men and God. In essence, if you want to have a relationship with God, you need to surrender your life to Jesus. He was the link (bridge) between man’s depravity and God’s grace. Until his introduction to the world, man could only try harder to be right with God because of the chasm sin had created. But Jesus, being the bridge between man and God has reconciled man to God and has given us this ministry of reconciliation to lead men to God through Him. So no one comes to the Father except through the bridge (Jesus). Jesus is the bridge of salvation.

People Bridges

Apart from Jesus being the bridge of salvation, there are a lot of people who act bridges in your life. They may be the ones who helped you study to pass your exams, or the ones who connected you to a job opportunity. They could also be people who introduced you to others who have been of so much help to your life. These bridges are worthy of recognition and appreciation. Never feel you still could have done or achieve what you have without them. God made placed them in your life for a reason.
Just like Mordecai told Esther, “…and who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” – Esther 4:14b. God has placed bridges in your life for a specific time. Always recognize and appreciate them always. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”- Romans 8:28. Bridges are part of God’s plan for your life. Don’t burn your bridges!
May the Lord mend our nets!

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