Money Making Tips for Christians
With the advent of so many money-making machinations and anxiety to be rich, I believe the Bible is still relevant in answering our questions on...
The Titanic; Not Even God Could Sink This Ship
We all have seen the movie Titanic. We also know that this movie was a true-life story. The Titanic was the world’s largest passenger ship...
Power Of God: The Man Who Said God Can’t Stop Him From Being President
We’d be talking about the history of a Politician, Tancredo Neves, who made a serious statement that cost his life. Tancredo Neves is the Politician...
List of Top 10 Online Theology Courses
There are many excellent online theology courses available, and the top 10 may depend on individual preferences and needs. However, here are some highly rated...
FAQs; Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions About the Bible
The Bible is one of the most authoritative books in human history. Amidst the abundance of knowledge and expositions on it, there are still a...
List of 10 Bible Verses to Consider in Easter 2023
Easter is an important season for Christians all over the world. The reason is that the season commemorates one of the Christian faith’s central tenets;...
CANONIZATION; How The Bible Was Compiled into what we have now
The Bible is a religious text that is held in high regard by Christians all over the globe. It includes the Old and New Testaments,...
Top 10 Senior High Schools in Ghana Established by the Methodist Church
There are several Senior High Schools (SHS) in Ghana that were founded by the Methodist Church. We have ranked these schools according to Academic performance...
Easter 2023: Traditions, Religious Activities, Festivals in Ghana
Easter is an important holiday for Christians all over the world. The reason is that the holiday commemorates one of the Christian faith’s central tenets;...
Tithe; Simple Reasons why you Should Pay
Tithe as a phenomenon simply refers to paying a tenth of your income to God through the Church. There have been so many controversies surrounding...
Bells and Pomegranates; Character Vs. Anointing
You need character more than anointing...
OMNI-STRATEGIST; How God Leads His People
I am not old, but old enough to recognize that to the glory of God, He has been with me throughout my life. Even at...
HEARING; Jonathan did not hear this
Israel was up against the Philistines under Saul’s leadership. While preparing for battle, he had flouted a rule; he offered sacrifices to God – something...
List of Popular Universities owned by Churches in Ghana
Churches are known to use education as a way to spread the gospel. Through these schools, they’re able to pass on their doctrines and beliefs...
List of 5 Most Popular Charismatic Churches in Ghana
Ghana is considered a religious country with Christianity and Islam being the major regions. Major Christian celebrations in Ghana are Christmas and Easter which are...