
A few years back, I kept searching the web for articles that may be specific and useful to uncommon life situations. I hardly found useful articles on salient topics usually taken for granted. So I decided to gather resources and study them myself and share them with others. Hence the birth of Mend my Net in 2019.

My blog name’s inspiration was taken from Matthew 4:18-22.

Mendmynet is a Christian content blog. Christians are fishers of men (in the evangelical sense). Fishermen use nets. If the nets get broken, fishing is affected. They would have to mend the nets. That’s what I seek to do here – mend the nets (life issues) of Christians. I try to draw attention to things taken for granted so that we can be effective fishers of men. My articles are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

I hope you enjoy all resources here and read some more. 

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