BLINDSPOT: things you don’t want God to touch

The word blind spot has a number of meanings. Two of them are of interest to me in this write up. The first means a circular area behind the retina (of the eye); this area is not sensitive to light. The second means an area in one’s life in which he/she fails to exercise judgement.

There are aspects of your life which you wish no one knows, complains about, or try to correct. It could be a habit, deed or attitude. As such, you hardly allow God’s way or will to affect that area of your life. It is like shielding an area of your life from external influences. Chances are that you hardly see anything wrong with it or you do not want it to change, perhaps because of a perceived value.

The Unmerciful Prophet (Jonah 4)

Jonah tried to escape God’s command to preach to the people of Nineveh for their repentance. Initially, I thought it was because he feared what the people of the city could do to him but it was because of his blindspot – he had no concern or mercy for the people. Jonah expressed anger over God’s mercy for Nineveh when they repented after he had gone to warn them. He was angry at God’s mercy to the extent that he wanted to die.

That was Jonah’s blind spot and he obviously didn’t see anything wrong with the attitude of not agreeing with God’s mercy for the people of Nineveh. God drew his attention to it but he was livid to the extent that he would not have any of it. When you have a blind spot, the God of freewill can only try to draw attention to it. It is your responsibility to seek help from Him to overcome it and change for the better.

The Truncated Mission

Let me brief you on Moses’ blindspot. Moses had anger issues; that was his blindspot. Right from his days at the Pharaoh’s palace, killing an Egyptian, to the end of his mission. He once got so angry with Israel’s abominable acts to the extent that he destroyed the commandments God had made him spend 40 days and nights in Exodus chapter 32. God didn’t pass any comment on the destruction. When Moses went for atonement, he atoned for Israel’s sins but he didn’t talk about his own anger and the damage it had caused. That is how blindspots are. You will talk about everyone else’s faults but fail to recognize yours. And when you fail to recognize your faults, you will not seek help. The breaking point was when Moses disobeyed God because of this same anger.

In Numbers 20, the Israelites wearied him with complaints of being thirsty. God had commanded him to speak to a rock to bring out water. But out of anger over Israel’s complaints, he rather hit the rock twice with his rod. That was when God decreed that he will not end up on the Promised Land himself. Because of an anger problem (his blindspot) that he failed to deal with, he would not experience the results of his own toils.

I observed that throughout Moses’ leadership and walk with God, he never told God to help him with his anger issue. Perhaps he didn’t even realise it or saw no problem with it – it was his blind spot until it truncated his mission to the Promised Land.

You need to pray to God to make you realise your blind spot and help you get rid of it by His grace. Otherwise, the next time you realise it will be when you are suffering the consequences.

Let your blind spot be sensitive to the light of God’s Word. Your blind spot is your soft spot; toughen up!
May the Lord mend our nets!

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